Full Name | Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury |
Constituency | Baharampur (West Bengal ) |
Political Party | Indian National Congress (INC) |
DOB | Apr 2, 1956 |
Email Id | |
Phone Number | 9868180498 |
Address | R/o 26/1A, Sahid Surya Sen Road, P.O. & P.S. Bethampare Town, Dist. Murshidabad, WB, Pin 742101 |
Place of Birth | Berhampore, Distt. Murshidabad (West Bengal) |
Education | Intermediate Educated at I.C. Institute, Baharampur,West Bengal |
Profession | Social Reformer cum Politician |
Spouse Name | Dr. Arpita Chowdhury |
Children | Hoimonti (Daughter) |
Important positions held | Member of the Indian Parliament for Berhampore, Union Minister of State for Railways |
Total Assets | Rs8,14,65,854 |
Liabilities | Rs0 |
Last Updated on June 03, 2020