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Polling Booth in Ghaspani-I Assembly Constituency

List of Polling Booth in Ghaspani-I

Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Ghaspani-I Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth.

Sl No.Locality of Polling StationBuilding in which locatedPolling areasWhether for all voters or men only or women only
1HovisheG.P.S. Hovishe (N/W)1.Hovishe 2. KhitoheAll Voters
2Niuland-ITown Hall Niuland NiulandAll Voters
3Niuland-IIGHSS Niuland1.Zuheshe 2. Henito 3. HezhetoAll Voters
4Kiyazu 'A'G.P.S. T/Shed (E/W) Kiyazu (A)1. Kiyazu 2. Hetoi 3.HeviqheAll Voters
5KuhubotoG.H.S. Kuhuboto Town N/W1. Kuhuboto 2.KiyezheAll Voters
6TokughaGMS Tokugha1. Tokugha 2. Nizhevi 3. Zuvukhu 4.Hukato 5. VikuhoAll Voters
7Kiyazu 'B'G.P.S. T/Shed N/W Kiyazu 'B'1. Kiyazu 'B' 2.Ghoshito 3. Husto 4. TohoiAll Voters
8Kiyazu 'B'G.P.S. T/Shed N/W Kiyazu 'B' PukhatoAll Voters
9YevetoG.P.S. Yeveto1.Yeveto All Voters
10Kiyazu 'B'G.P.S. T/Shed N/W Kiyazu 'B'1. Khehuto 2. Zhekishe 3.TokisheAll Voters
11ZutoiGMS Zutoi1. Zutoi 2. Vigheto 3.Izhevi 4 .Nikihe 5. KhutoviAll Voters
12Kiyazu 'B'G.P.S. T/Shed N/W Kiyazu 'B'1. Hukhai (Nizheto) 2.Aghunaga 3. Kikhevi 4.NguviheAll Voters
13Kiyazu 'A'G.P.S. T/Shed (S./W) Kiyazu 'A'1. Nitozu 2. Luhezhe 3.Shoqhevi 4. HevuxuAll Voters
14Kiyazu 'A'G.P.S. T/Shed (S./W) Kiyazu 'A'1.P.Vihoto 2. Shiwoto 3.Ngamjalam 4.AoyimchenAll Voters
15Kiyazu 'A'G.P.S.T/Shed (N/W) Kiyazu 'A'1. Luhevi 2. XukhuviAll Voters
16Kiyazu 'A'G.P.S. T/Shed (N./W) Kiyazu 'A'1.Yetoho 2. P. Hovishe 3.TohokhuAll Voters
17Kiyazu 'A'G.M.S. Kiyazu (E/W)1. Homeland 4. PadalaAll Voters
18Kiyazu 'A'G.M.S. Kiyazu (N/W)1. Kiyelho 2. S.Sahoi 3.Zhexuche 4. Ahoto 5.ZakaAll Voters
19Kiyazu 'A'G.M.S. Kiyazu (S/W)1. Pihekhu 2. Qhuhoi 3. KhaghabotoAll Voters
20Kiyazu 'A'G.M.S. Kiyazu (W/W)1. Nikikhe 2. L. Vihoto 3.MughaviAll Voters
21DarogapatharGPS Darogapathar Darogapathar All Voters
22Airfield AoG.P.S.Airfield AoAirfield AoAll Voters
23Chekiye 'A'G.P.S. Chekiye 'A'Chekiye 'A'All Voters
24Chekiye 'B'G.P.S. Chekiye 'A'Chekiye 'B'All Voters
25ThilixuG.P.S. ThilixuThilixuAll Voters
26Khoi Diphupar 'A'GMS Diphupar AoDiphupar 'AAll Voters
27Diphupar 'A' G.P.S. Diphupar ChakhesangDiphupar 'A' All Voters
28Diphupar 'B' KhelGPS (Angami) DiphuparDiphupar 'B' KhelAll Voters
29Diphupar C, D& H KhelG.H.S. (E/W) DiphuparDiphupar C, D& 'H' KhelAll Voters
30Diphupar C & D KhelG.H.S. (S/W) DiphuparDiphupar C & D KhelAll Voters
31Diphupar 'E' KhelDiphupar Community Hall (E/W)Diphupar 'E' KhelAll Voters
32Diphupar 'G' KhelDiphupar Community Hall (W/W)Diphupar 'G' KhelAll Voters
33Naga UnitedG.P.S. Naga United VillageNaga UnitedAll Voters
34Diphupar 'B' Village (N/W)GPS DiphuparDiphupar 'B' Village (N/W)All Voters
35Diphupar 'B' Village (S/W)GHS Diphupar BDiphupar 'B' Village (S/W)All Voters
36Model VillageG.P.S. Model VillageModel Village 5th MileAll Voters
37ShokhuviG.P.S. ShokhuviShokhuviAll Voters
38Pimla (N/W)G.P.S. PimlaPimla (N/W)All Voters
39Pimla (S/W)G.P.S. PimlaPimla (S/W)All Voters
40Zutovi VillageG.P.S. Zutovi VillageZutovi VillageAll Voters
41Gowoto VillageG.P.S. Gowoto VillageGowoto VillageAll Voters
42Sovima 'A' (N/W)G.M.S. Sovima 'A'Sovima 'A' (N/W)All Voters
43Sovima 'A' (S/W)G.M.S. Sovima 'A' (S/W)Sovima 'A' (S/W)All Voters
44Sovima 'D'Govt.High School,SovimaSovima 'D'All Voters
45Unity Village N/WG.P.S. Unity Village N/WUnity Village N/WAll Voters
46Unity Village E/WG.M.S. Unity Village E/WUnity Village E/WAll Voters
47Unity Village S/WG.M.S. Unity Village S/WUnity Village S/WAll Voters
487th Mile VillageG.P.S. 7th Mile Village E/W7th Mile VillageAll Voters
49Seithekema 'A'G.P.S. Siethekema 'A'Seithekema 'A'All Voters
50Seithekema NewG.P.S. Siethekema NewSeithekema Basa/ AoyimAll Voters
51Chumukedima Bl-I N/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-I N/WChumukedima Bl-I N/WAll Voters
52Chumukedima Bl-I S/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-I S/WChumukedima Bl-I S/WAll Voters
53Chumukedima Bl-II N/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-II N/WChumukedima Bl-II N/WAll Voters
54Chumukedima Bl-II S/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-II S/W Chumukedima Bl-II S/WAll Voters
55Chumukedima Bl-IIIG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-III Chumukedima Bl-IIIAll Voters
56Chumukedima Bl-III N/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-III N/WChumukedima Bl-III N/WAll Voters
57Chumukedima Bl-III S/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-III S/WChumukedima Bl-III S/WAll Voters
58Chumukedima Bl-V N/WG.H.S. ChumukedimaChumukedima Bl-V N/WAll Voters
58AChumukedima Bl-V N/WG.H.S. ChumukedimaChumukedima Bl-V N/WAll Voters
59Chumukedima Bl-IV S/WG.H.S. Chumukedima BL-IVChumukedima AuditoriumAll Voters
60Chumukedima (TC) Khuzas Line N/WChumukedima (TC) AuditoriumChumukedima AuditoriumAll Voters
61Chumukedima (TC) Khuza Line S/WChumukedima (TC) AuditoriumChumukedima (TC) Khuza Line S/WAll Voters
62Chumukedima (NAP) TCChumukedima (TC) AuditoriumChumukedima (NAP) TCAll Voters
63Chumukedima VillageG.P.S. Chumukedima VillChumukedima VillageAll Voters
64Lhothavi VillageG.P.S.Lhothavi Village 1. Lhothavi 2. Pukhaho 3. ShikatoAll Voters
65Kiyavi VillageG.P.S. Kiyavi VillageKiyavi VillageAll Voters
66Tenyiphe Village-IG.P.S. Tenyiphe VillageTenyiphe Village-IAll Voters
67Virazouma VillageG.P.S. Virazouma VillageVirazouma VillageAll Voters
68Tenyiphe Village-II (S/W)G.P.S. Tenyiphe VillageTenyiphe Village-II (S/W)All Voters
69Vidima VillageVidima Panchayat HallVidima VillageAll Voters
70Shozukhu GMS Shozukhu1. Hevishe 2. S.Shitoi 3.AkitoAll Voters
71Shozukhu IGMS Shozukhu1. Phuhoto 2. Sunito 3.ZukiheAll Voters
72Shozukhu IIGMS Shozukhu1. Ghonivi 2. XukiyeAll Voters
73SuhoiGMS Suhoi1. Xekiye 2. HoitoAll Voters
74SuhoiGMS SuhoiSuhoiAll Voters
75Shozukhu IIIGMS Shozukhu1.Shozukhu 2. L.HotoviAll Voters
76Seithekema 'C'G.P.S. Seithekema 'C'1. Seithekema 'C' 2.Patkai College 3.PieruzhaAll Voters
77Shitovi VillgeG.P.S. Shitovi VillageShitovi VillageAll Voters
78K.Xekiye VillageG.P.S. K.Xekiye VillageK.Xekiye VillageAll Voters
79Sodzulhou VillageG.P.S.Sodzulhou VillageSodzulhou VillageAll Voters
80Khekiho VillageG.P.S. Khekiho VillageKhekiho VillageAll Voters
81Khreizephe VillageG.P.S.Khriezephe VillageKhreizephe VillageAll Voters
82EkhyoyanG.P.S. EkhyoyanEkhyoyan VillageAll Voters
83Seithekema OldCouncil Hall Seithekema OldSeithekema Old.All Voters
84Ghotovi VillageGPS Ghotovi VillageGhotovi VillageAll Voters
85Hovukhu VillageGPS Hovukhu Village1. Hovukhu 2. Hezulho VillageAll Voters
86Toshezu VillageGPS Toshezu VillageToshezu VillageAll Voters
87Zutovi VillageGPS Zutovi Village1. Vihoto 2. Nihoi 3. ShikutoAll Voters
88KuhubotoG.H.S. Kuhuboto Town S/W1.Ghokito 2. Ahozhe 3. S.HotoviAll Voters
89Diphupar 'B' Village E/WMultipurpose BuildingDiphupar 'B' Village E/WAll Voters
90Diphupar 'B' Village W/WMultipurpose BuildingDiphupar 'B' Village  
917th Mile Model VillageG.P.S. 7th Mile Village Village7th Mile Model VillageAll Voters
92Chumukedima Bl-III S/WG.P.S.Chumukedima Bl-IIIS/W Chumukedima Bl-III N/WAll Voters
93ViyitoGPS ViyitoViyitoAll Voters
94KuhoxuPanchayat HallKuhoxuAll Voters
95HakhizheGMS Hakhizhe1.Hakhizhe 2. SukhatoAll Voters
96KirhaGPS KirhaKirhaAll Voters
97IkisheGPS IkisheIkisheAll Voters
98KhehoiCouncil Hall KhehoiAll Voters
99Shozukhu IVCouncil Hall1.Vishiyi 2. Lukuto 3.Yehokhu 4.Kiyelho 5..S.Sahoi 6. Zaka 7. Khaghaboto.All Voters
100L.HotoviGPS L.HotoviL.HotoviAll Voters
101ShikutoGPS ShikutoShikutoAll Voters
102HenitoGMS HenitoHenitoAll Voters
103K. HetoiGPS K. HetoiK. HetoiAll Voters
104VikuhoGPS VikuhoVikuhoAll Voters
105Thilixu-IGPS Block-II ThilixuThilixu-IAll Voters
106Aoyim VillageGPS Aoyim VillageAoyim VillageAll Voters
107Tenyiphe-IIIGPS Tenyiphe-IIITenyiphe-IIIAll Voters
108A.K. Industrial VillageGMS A.K Industrial VillageA.K. Industrial VillageAll Voters

Last Updated on: Jan 19, 2023