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Multai (Madhya Pradesh) Assembly Constituency Elections

Sitting and previous MLAs from Multai Assembly Constituency

Below is the list of winners and runners-up in the MLAs of Multai assembly elections conducted so far.

YearA. C. No.Assembly Constituency NameWinner Candidates NameGenderParty
1951114MultaiBiharilal PatelMINC
1957111MultaiAnandrao SonajiMIND
1967207MultaiB. R. DeoraoMINC
1972207MultaiRadhakrishna Garg VakeelMIND
1977228MultaiManiram BarangeMIND
1980228MultaiManiram BarangeMIND
1985228MultaiAshok KadweMINC
1990228MultaiMani Ram Barange MBJP
1993228MultaiP.R. Bodkhe MIND
1998228MultaiSuneel Alias Dr. Suneelam MIND
2003138MultaiDr. Sunilam MSP
2008129MultaiSukhdeo PanseMINC
2013129MultaiChandrashekhar DesmukhMBJP

Last Updated on April 17, 2020