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Polling Station List Langate Assembly Constituency 2014

List of Polling Stations in Langate

The Langate assembly (vidhan sabha) constituency of Jammu and Kashmir state falls under the Kupwara district. Know the names of polling booths inside Langate assembly with their polling station numbers.

Polling Station No.Polling Station
1Nowgam- M
2Reshwari- M
3Yehama Lawoosa- M
4Yehama Lawoosa- M
5Mankal- M
6Khudi- M
7Lach- M
8Lach A- M
9Sanzipora- M
10Mawar- M
11Audoora- M
12Drungsoo- M
13Kalamchakla- M
14Kalamchakla- M
15Chontipora- M
16Haril- M
17Haril- M
18Shekhpora- M
19Banday- M
20Monbal- M
21Pringroo- M
22Shartgund Bala- M
23Teerana Tantraygund- M
24Jahama- M
25Ashpora- M
26Budhbugh- M
27Shanoo- M
28Muqam Rajwar- M
29Walarhama- M
30Wajhama- M
31Harwat- M
32Batagund- M
33Shartgund Payeen- M
34Darbal Payeen- M
35Hangah- M
36Sudergund- M
37Maratgam- M
38Maratgam A- M
39Kargam- M
40Chotipora- M
41Langate- M
42Langate A- M
43Langate B- M
44Tulwari- M
45Pandithpora- M
46Ananwan- M
47Hampora- M
48Hajin- M
49Muqam Hindwanpora- M
50Rawalpora- M
51Gundchobtra- M
52Mungwalpora- M
53Kralapora- M
54Ringpath- M
55Renan- M
56Deedarpora- M
57Badrah- M
58Reshipora- M
59Kachlo Qazipora- M
60Palpora- M
61Khahipora- M
62Thukarpora- M
63Sohipora- M
64Sohipora- M
65Mundigam- M
66Kralgund- M
67Nehama- M
68Supernagam- M
69Khangund- M
70Lokipora- M
71Mal Bagh- M
72Ganapora- M
73Lalbugh- M
74Udiepora- M
75Pir Batpora- M
76Yaroo- M
77Kachre- M
78Ujroo- M
79Khanu Babgund- M
80Phurupeth- M
81Phurupeth- M
82Hanjishart- M
83Unisoo- M
84Wahiepora- M
85Bungam- M
86Haripora- M
87Guloora- M
88Khuru- M
89Kultura- M
90Lachampora- M
91Dogripora- M
92Sarmarg- M
93Waisa- M
94Kawnar- M
95Kalipora- M
96Hanginikoote- M

Last Updated on April 09, 2020