List of Polling Stations in Uklana
Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Uklana Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency in Haryana. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth.Locality of Polling Areas | Polling Booth Address | Total Electors |
Agroha(54) | Govt High School ,Agroha(East Side) | 1314 |
Govt High School ,Agroha(West Side) | 1140 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Agroha (East Wing) | 1185 | |
Govtgirls Senior Secondary School, Agroha(West Side) | 1109 | |
Badhawar(19) | Govt Sen. Sec. School,Badhawar(East Side) | 1154 |
Govt Sen. Sec. School,Badhawar(West Side) | 1197 | |
Govt Primary School,Badhawar | 992 | |
Govt Girls Primary School,Badhawar(East Side) | 877 | |
Govt Girls Primary School,Badhawar(South Side) | 633 | |
Balak(130) | Govt. Sr. Sec. Shool, Balak(East Side) | 1164 |
Govt. Sr. Sec. Shool, Balak(Central Side) | 1151 | |
Govt. Sr. Sec. Shool, Balak(West Side) | 1186 | |
Govt. Primary School, Balak | 1163 | |
Banbhori(10) | Govt High School ,Banbhori(East Side) | 1276 |
Ambedkar Bhawan ,Banbhori | 737 | |
Govt High School ,Banbhori(West Side) | 714 | |
Bayana Khera(16) | Govt Senior Secondary School ,Byana Khera(East Side) | 1281 |
Govt Senior Secondary School ,Byana Khera(West Side) | 1253 | |
Bhada Khera(12) | Govt Primary School,Bhada Khera | |
Bhaini Badshahpur(125) | Govt. High School, Bheni Badshahpur(East Side) | 1296 |
Govt. High School, Bheni Badshahpur(West Side) | 1044 | |
Bhairi Akbarpur(114) | Govt Middle School, Bheri Akbarpur(East Side) | 1201 |
Govt Middle School, Bheri Akbarpur(West Side) | 1007 | |
Govt Primary School , Bheri Akbarpur | 914 | |
Bithmara(85) | Govt. Primary School Bithmara | 1079 |
Govt Girls High School, Bithmara(East Side) | 829 | |
Govt Girls High School, Bithmara(Central Side) | 1001 | |
Govt Girls High School, Bithmara(West Side) | 1009 | |
Govt High School, Bithmara(West Side) | 1091 | |
Govt High School, Bithmara(West Side) | 1028 | |
Govt High School, Bithmara(Central Side) | 868 | |
Bobua(120) | Govt Middle School ,Bobua(East Side) | 946 |
Govt Middle School Old Bhawan,Bobua | 546 | |
Govt Middle School ,Bobua(West Side) | 1008 | |
Govt Middle School ,Bobua(Central Side) | 769 | |
Budha Khera(115) | Govt High School, Budha Khera (East Wing) | 1118 |
Govt High School, Budha Khera(West Side) | 1266 | |
Govt High School, Budha Khera(Central Side) | 1348 | |
Chamar Khera(67) | Govt Senior Secondary School, Chamarkhera(East Side) | 1056 |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Chamarkhera(West Side) | 942 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Chamarkhera(Central Side) | 1266 | |
Chhan(9) | Govt High School,Chhan(East Side) | 968 |
Govt High School,Chhan(West Side) | 784 | |
Daulatpur(124) | Govt Senior Secondary School, Daulatpur(East Side) | 1123 |
New Panchayat House, Daulatpur | 973 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Daulatpur(West Side) | 1034 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Daulatpur(Central Side) | 849 | |
Dhadh(18) | Govt Middle School ,Dhad(East Side) | 850 |
Govt Middle School ,Dhad(Central Side) | 801 | |
Govt Middle School ,Dhad(West Side) | 329 | |
Gaibipur(122) | Govt High School ,Gebipur(East Side) | 1322 |
Govt High School ,Gebipur(West Side) | 1005 | |
Govt High School ,Gebipur(Central Side) | 1200 | |
Gianpura(15) | Govt Middle School,Gianpura(East Side) | 966 |
Govt Middle School,Gianpura(West Side) | 209 | |
Hasangarh(118) | Govt High School ,Hassangarh(Central Side) | 1043 |
Govt High School ,Hassangarh(East Side) | 1040 | |
Govt Primary School,Hassangarh | 918 | |
Govt High School ,Hassangarh(West Side) | 1027 | |
Kallar Bhaini(119) | Govt Middle School ,Kallar Bheni(East Side) | 988 |
Govt Middle School ,Kallar Bheni(West Side) | 289 | |
Kanoh(58) | Govt High School , Kanoh(East Side) | 1048 |
Govt High School , Kanoh(West Side) | 1040 | |
Govt High School , Kanoh(Central Side) | 1008 | |
Schedule Caste Chaupal, Kanoh | 850 | |
Kharak(17) | Govt Senior Secondary School ,Kharak(East Side) | 1039 |
Govt Primary School,Kharak(East Side) | 692 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School ,Kharak(West Side) | 1148 | |
Govt Primary School,Kharak(West Side) | 900 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School ,Kharak(Central Side) | 929 | |
Kharkhara(121) | Govt High School ,Kharkara(East Side) | 1196 |
Govt High School ,Kharkara(West Side) | 1340 | |
Khedar(127) | Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Khedar(East Side) | 1327 |
Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Khedar(West Side) | 1388 | |
Govt. Primary School, Khedar (East Side) | 1078 | |
Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Khedar(Central Side) | 1060 | |
Govt. Girl Primary School, Khedar | 1050 | |
Govt. Girl High School, Khedar | 1132 | |
Kirara(134) | Govt Middle School,Kirara | |
Kirmara(57) | Govt High School , Kirmara(East Side) | 1033 |
Govt High School , Kirmara(West Side) | 1005 | |
Govt High School , Kirmara(Central Side) | 1074 | |
Govt. Girls Primary School Kirmara | 960 | |
Kirori(135) | Govt High School ,Kirori(East Side) | 1099 |
Govt High School ,Kirori(West Side) | 1016 | |
Office Of Vety. Hospital, Kirori | 738 | |
Kuleri(56) | Govt Middle School, Kuleri | 1228 |
Schedule Caste Chaupal, Kuleri | 732 | |
Govt Sr. Secondary School ,Kuleri(East Side) | 1054 | |
Govt Sr. Secondary School ,Kuleri(West Side) | 1008 | |
Govt Sr. Secondary School ,Kuleri(Central Side) | 1149 | |
Kumbha Khera(75) | Govt Middle School ,Kumbha Khera | |
Madloda(74) | Govt Sr. Sec. School ,Matloda(West Side) | 1244 |
Govt Sr. Sec. School ,Matloda(Central Side) | 1165 | |
Govt Sr. Sec. School ,Matloda(West Side) | 1134 | |
Govt. Primary School, Matloda | 1117 | |
Mirpur(55) | Govt Middle School , Mirpur | |
Nang Thala(138) | Govt Primary School ,Nangthla(East Side) | 1069 |
Govt Sr. Secondary School ,Nangthala(Central Side) | 1103 | |
Govt Primary School ,Nangthla(Central Side) | 1058 | |
Govt Primary School ,Nangthla(West Side) | 1009 | |
Govt Sr. Secondary School ,Nangthala(East Side) | 799 | |
Govt Sr. Secondary School ,Nangthala(West Side) | 1047 | |
Nawagaon(123) | Govt Middle School,Naya Gaon | |
Pabra(65) | Govt. High School, Pabra(East Side) | 1116 |
Govt. High School, Pabra(West Side) | 1014 | |
Govt. High School, Pabra(Central Side) | 1091 | |
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School Pabra (East Wing) | 1162 | |
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School Pabra (West Wing) | 1243 | |
Govt. Primary School, Pabra | 1161 | |
Panhari(13) | Govt High School ,Panihari(East Side) | 1093 |
Govt. Primary School Panihari | 597 | |
Govt High School ,Panihari(West Side) | 1066 | |
Parbhuwala(116) | Govt Senior Secondary School, Prabhuwala (East Wing) | 1290 |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Prabhuwala(West Side) | 1374 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Prabhuwala(Central Side) | 865 | |
Govt. Sr. Sec. School Parbhuwala (Primary Wing) | 399 | |
Sabarwas(92) | Govt High School, Sabarwas | |
Sahu (66) | Govt High School, Sahu(East Side) | 1260 |
Govt High School, Sahu(West Side) | 975 | |
Samani(53) | Govt High School, Siwani Bolan(East Side) | |
Sandlana(8) | Govt Middle School ,Sandlana(East Side) | 1154 |
Govt Middle School ,Sandlana(West Side) | 1144 | |
Sandol(137) | Govt Middle School,Sandol | |
Sarera(73) | Govt. Middle School,Sarhera(East Side) | 975 |
Govt. Middle School,Sarhera(West Side) | 917 | |
Sarsana(14) | Govt Middle School,Sarsana | |
Shamsukh(136) | Govt High School ,Shayamsukh(East Side) | 1009 |
Govt High School ,Shayamsukh(West Side) | 931 | |
Govt High School ,Shayamsukh(Central Side) | 1273 | |
Sotha(11) | Govt Middle School , Sotha | |
Surewala(86) | Govt High School , Surewala(West Side) | 1326 |
Govt High School , Surewala(West Side) | 1226 | |
Talwandi Rana (65) | Govt. Primary School, Dhani Chahal | |
Uklana (Rural)(113) | Govt High School, Vill.-Uklana(East Side) | 1245 |
Govt High School, Vill.-Uklana(West Side) | 837 | |
Govt High School, Vill.-Uklana(Central Side) | 1358 | |
Uklana Mandi (Ct) | Office Market Committe, Uklana Mandi | 1484 |
Govt Girls High School, Uklana Mandi(Central Side) | 1289 | |
Govt Girls High School, Uklana Mandi(East Side) | 1036 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Uklana Mandi(Central Side) | 905 | |
Govt Girls High School, Uklana Mandi(West Side) | 744 | |
Govt Girls High School, Uklana Mandi(North Side) | 1198 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Uklana Mandi(West Side) | 1103 | |
Govt Senior Secondary School, Uklana Mandi(West Side) | 1109 |
Last Updated on October 19, 2014