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Polling Station List Guhla Assembly Constituency 2014

List of Polling Stations in Guhla

Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Guhla Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency in Haryana. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth.

Locality of Polling AreasPolling Booth AddressTotal Electors
Agondh (107)Govt High School , Agondh(Right Side)963
Govt High School , Agondh(Left Side)1037
Andhli (91)Govt Primary School, Andhali
Arnoli (32)Govt Senior Sec School, Arnoli1092
Govt Primary School , Arnoli(Right Side)1040
Govt Primary School , Arnoli(Left Side)1107
Atela (1)Govt Middle School , Atela
Azimgarh (3)Govt Primary School, Ajimgarh
Badsui (10)Govt Primary School, Budsui(Right Side)665
Govt Primary School, Budsui(Left Side)706
Balbehra (6)Govt Senior Secondary School , Balbehra(Right Side)929
Govt Senior Secondary School , Balbehra(Central Side)1124
Govt Senior Secondary School , Balbehra(Left Side)1138
Baupur (131)Govt Primary School, Baupur
Bhagal (1)Govt Senior Secondary School , Bhagal(Right Side)1298
Govt Senior Secondary School , Bhagal(Central Side)1202
Govt Senior Secondary School , Bhagal(Left Side)1211
Govt Primary School, Bhagal(Right Side)1292
Govt Primary School, Bhagal(Left Side)1067
Bhatian (121)Govt Primary School, Bhatia
Bhunna (74)Govt Primary School , Bhuna(Right Side)835
Govt Primary School , Bhuna(Left Side)868
Govt High School , Bhuna(Right Side)944
Govt High School , Bhuna(Left Side)1044
Govt Primary School, Dera Ram Nagar(Bhuna)1336
Bhunslan (134)Govt High School, Bhusla
Bichhian (3)Govt Primary School, Bichhiya
Budhanpur Gujran (137)Govt Primary School, Budanpur Gujran
Chaba (7)Govt Primary School, Chaba
Chanchak (112)Govt Primary School, Chanchak
Chhana Jattan (28)Govt Primary School, Channa Jatan
Daba (8)Govt High School, Daba
Dhandota (9)Govt Primary School, Dandota
Dohar (30)Govt Middle School, Dohar(Right Side)806
Govt Middle School, Dohar(Left Side)910
Duserpur (113)Govt Primary School, Daserpur
Farsh Majra (25)Govt Middle School, Farshmajra
Gagarpur (144)Govt Middle School, Gagarpur(Right Side)874
Govt Middle School, Gagarpur(Left Side)876
Garhi Nazir (2)Govt Primary School, Garhinajir
Gogh (92)Govt Primary School, Ghog
Gohran (84)Govt High School, Gohran
Hansu Majra (108)Govt Primary School, Hansumajra
Harnola (79)Govt Primary School, Harnola
Hemu Majra (120)Govt Primary School, Hemumajra
Kakeor (62)Govt Primary School, Kakyor Majra
Kakheri (72)Govt Primary School, Kakheri(Right Side)881
Govt Primary School, Kakheri(Central Side)871
Govt Primary School, Kakheri(Left Side)892
Kakrala Inayat (69)Govt Primary School, Kakrala Anayat(Right Side)693
Govt Primary School, Kakrala Anayat(Left Side)674
Kallar Majra (11)Govt Primary School, Kalarmajra
Kamheri (26)Govt Primary School, Kamheri
Kangthali (73)Govt Primary School,Kangthali(Right Side)801
Govt Primary School,Kangthali(Left Side)942
Kasaur (102)Govt High School, Kasour
Kasoli (142)Govt Primary School, Kasauli
Kawartan (64)Govt High School, Kawartan(Right Side)1068
Govt High School, Kawartan(Left Side)1211
Khambahera (128)Govt Primary School, Khambahera
Khanpur (25)Govt Girl Middle School, Khanpur(Right Side)828
Govt Girl Middle School, Khanpur(Left Side)798
Kharak (95)Govt Senior Secondary School, Kharkan(Right Side)1119
Govt Senior Secondary School, Kharkan(Middle Right Side)1138
Govt Senior Secondary School, Kharkan(Middle Left Side)1066
Govt Senior Secondary School, Kharkan(Left Side)846
Kharal 130)Govt Primary School, Kharal
Kharkara (104)Govt Middle School , Kharkra(Right Side)1018
Govt Middle School , Kharkra(Left Side)876
Kharodi (14)Govt High School , Kharodi(Right Side)1303
Govt High School , Kharodi(Central Side)1051
Govt High School , Kharodi(Left Side)1197
Kheri Daban (109/110)Govt Middle School, Kheri Daban
Kheri Gulamali (83)Govt Senior Secondary School , Kheri Gulam Ali(Right Side)869
Govt Senior Secondary School , Kheri Gulam Ali(Central Side)849
Govt Senior Secondary School , Kheri Gulam Ali(Left Side)961
Khushhal Majra (Part) (124)Govt Primary School, Khushal Majra
Ladana Chakoo (97)Govt High School ,Ladana Chakku(Right Side)1324
Govt High School ,Ladana Chakku(Left Side)1243
Lalpur (119)Govt Primary School, Lalpur
Lander Keema (89)Govt Primary School, Landerkima
Majri (106)Govt Middle School, Majri(Right Side)708
Govt Middle School, Majri(Left Side)776
Malakpur (66)Govt Middle School, Malikpur(Right Side)704
Govt Middle School, Malikpur(Left Side)736
Malikpur (5)Govt Primary School,Malikpur
Manjhlan (86)Co-Operative Mini Bank, Landerpir Jada462
Govt Primary School, Majhla569
Mastgarh (103)Govt Primary School, Mastgarh
Mehmudpur (4)Govt Middle School, Mahmudpur
Mengran (132)Govt Middle School, Mengra756
Govt Primary School, Manjheri375
Nagal (85)Govt Primary School, Nagal
Nand Garh (118)Govt Primary School, Nandgarh
Pabsar (70)Govt High School, Papsar
Peedal (15)Govt High School , Peedal(Right Side)962
Govt High School , Peedal(Central Side)1073
Govt High School , Peedal(Left Side)1113
Phaphrala (140)Govt Primary School, Paprala
Pisawal (96)Govt Primary School, Passawal
Prabhawat (81)Govt Primary School, Prabhawat
Ramthali (99)Govt Primary School, Ramthali(Right Side)718
Govt Primary School, Ramthali(Left Side)753
Rasulpur (65)Govt Middle School , Rasulpur(Right Side)1053
Govt Middle School , Rasulpur(Left Side)819
Ratta Khera Karaham (136)Govt Primary School, Ratakhera, Kadam
Ratta Khera Luqman (122)Govt Primary School, Ratta Khera Lukman
Sadarheri (126)Govt Primary School, Saderheri
Sair (76)Govt High School , Sair(Right Side)924
Govt High School , Sair(Left Side)961
Saravla (127)Govt Primary School, Sarola
Shadipur (6)Govt Primary School, Shadipur
Sihali (138)Govt Primary School, Sihali
Sinhu Majra (111)Govt Middle School, Sinhu Majra
Siwan (77)Govt Senior Secondary School ,Siwan(Right Side)1228
Govt Senior Secondary School ,Siwan(Middle Right Side)1215
Govt Senior Secondary School ,Siwan(Middle Left Side)1220
Govt Senior Secondary School ,Siwan(Left Side)1251
Govt Primary School , Siwan(Right Side)1008
Govt Primary School , Siwan(Central Side)1067
Govt Primary School , Siwan(Left Side)1065
Govt Girls Senior Secondary School , Siwan(Right Side)1388
Govt Girls Senior Secondary School , Siwan(Middle Right Side)1367
Govt Girls Senior Secondary School , Siwan(Middle Left Side)1290
Govt Girls Senior Secondary School , Siwan(Left Side)1147
Sotha (78)Govt High School, Sautha
Sultanian (114)Govt Primary School , Sultania(Right Side)774
Govt Primary School , Sultania(Left Side)821
Taranwali (101)Govt Primary School, Theh Taranwali
Tatiana (129)Govt Middle School, Tatiana
Theh Banhera (2)Govt Primary School, Theh Banhera(Right Side)682
Govt Primary School, Theh Banhera(Left Side)701
Theh Butana (105)Govt Primary School, Theh Butana
Theh Kharak (94)Govt Primary School, Theh Kharak
Theh Mukerian (75)Govt Primary School, Theh Mukeriya
Theh Newal (5)Govt Middle School, Theh Newal
Umedpur (82)Govt Primary School, Paharpur(Left Side)
Urlana (100)Govt Primary School, Urlana

Last Updated on April 08, 2020