If you talk about caste equation in Bhopal south-west seat, there are 35 thousand Brahmins, 25 to 30 thousand Kayasthas, and around 30 thousand Muslim population. Many IAS and IPS officers live in this area. Apart from these, this constituency has slum voters & working class in majority. Slum voters are in a decisive state, but the situation of slums is worse. If we talk about jobs for the youth in the region, it is almost equal to zero. Youths are clearly expressing their views about the failures of the government. The educated youth believe that if unemployed youth had got the job, they would not have gone towards crime. Overall, in addition to the basic issues in the Bhopal South-West Assembly, caste equations can also spoil electoral equations.
Electoral Importance of the Seat
In 1998, Congress's PC Sharma won the election on Congress's ticket here. Since then, BJP has been winning the seat consistently. In 2013 election, BJP's Umashankar Gupta had defeated Sanjeev Saxena of Congress with more than 18,000 votes.Umashankar Gupta won 71167 votes in this election, while Sanjeev Saxena of Congress won 52,969 votes.Earlier, in the 2008 elections, BJP's Umashankar Gupta got the victory on the seat. This time too, he defeated the Congress' Sanjiv Saxena.In comparison to 2013, Umashankar had won more votes in this election and defeated Sanjeev Saxena with more than 26,000 votes.
Last Updated on November 06, 2018